Boris rages and says theres one way to kill Hamas

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson has fumed at people waving Palestine flags in support of Hamas after thousands of Israelis were killed after an attack was launched last weekend.

The ex-Conservative Party leader said he “wept” when he heard the news 260 people were killed while at the Nova music festival in Israel. Writing in the Daily Mail, Johnson says he “shares the rage” of the Israeli people.

Since the attack was launched, the Israel Defence League claims more than 1,200 people have been killed. While at least 1,354 people have been killed in Gaza and a further 6,049 injured.

Now the politician stressed the importance of supporting Israel as it fights back against Hamas. Stressing the importance of bringing down the group.

He called on Britain to support Israel in its defence while also accepting we must “grieve for the innocent Palenstinian children”.

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Johnson wrote: “We grieve for the innocent ­Palestinian children who are losing their lives as much as we grieve for the Israelis. But the Israelis have no choice but to try to find those who attacked them, and to ­prevent them from doing more murder.

“To all those idiots who have been out on the streets and waving their Palestinian flags, or gloating that ‘the Jews had it coming’, I say: you are either the victims of your prejudices, or you have been wilfully blind to what is really ­happening in the Middle East.”

The former PM went on to say it is “tragic” that no two-state solution has been found for the region. He does however say Israel cannot take the sole blame for the situation.

He criticised Palenstinian leaders for not negotiating with Benjamin Netanyahu’s Israel. He drew comparisons with terrorist attacks in the wake of 9/11.

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Johnson also highlighted the Abraham Accord – an agreement between the Arab League and Israel to bring peace to the Middle East – as one of the top ways to kill off Hamas. He says a greater relationship between Israel, the UAE, ­Bahrain, Morocco and possibly Saudi Arabia could increase job opportunities.

He added: “With better transport, better skills and high technology, young Palestinians have the hope of jobs — and the chance to turn away from Hamas and all the politicians who depend on conflict.

“It is hard to imagine the Israelis ever agreeing — not after what we have seen — to a fully militarily independent Palestinian state. That is not on the cards. But you could imagine a federal solution, and the land swaps that would make it viable.

“All that progress would flow from the current Arab-Israeli reconciliation. It would make Hamas ­irrelevant — and that is why they hate this process so much.”

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