Top Tory calls for UK to leave ECHR – we dont need lessons from the French’

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A top Tory MP has called for Britain to leave the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR), saying the UK doesn’t need lessons from the French and Germans who “did awful things in World War Two”.

The statement comes as European judges continue to block the Government from sending illegal migrants to Rwanda.

A decision on the policy will come from the Supreme Court in November and Rishi Sunak is said to be preparing to use new legal powers to ignore the ECHR’s protests.

Michael Fabricant, the MP for Lichfield, has said the UK should ditch the European court should it fail to support the policy.

He told GB News: “If the ECHR stopped the Supreme Court from saying ‘yes, we can take people out to Rwanda’, and we can’t get an exemption, yes, we should leave.

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“The UK Supreme Court should be the Supreme Court, it isn’t supreme if the ECHR can overrule it.”

First announced in April 2022, the policy would see illegal migrants and asylum seekers sent to Rwanda. The first plane flight was due to leave in June of last year but was blocked by the ECHR.

It was reportedly the work of one judge and forced the Government to prove the policy’s legality in court.

Mr Fabricant said the UK’s future lies outside the ECHR but that the Government should continue to help fund the court the UK helped set up.

“We helped set up the ECHR, as did the United States, but the United States said ‘we don’t need a court in Strasbourg to teach us to be decent human beings’.

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“And I say we don’t need to have lessons from French and Germans who did some pretty awful things in World War Two. Yes, the French too.

“This country can be proud of its human rights record. We should support the ECHR and help fund them.

“But to be told by the ECHR that our Supreme Court is wrong? That is not what it was set up for.”

A similar sentiment was expressed by Home Secretary Suella Braverman during a speech in Washington last week.

She said: “I reject that notion that a country cannot be expected to respect human rights if it is not signed up to an international human rights organisation.”

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