Hamas fighters gang-raped woman before shooting her dead during Israel attack

Sick Hamas terrorists gang raped a woman before shooting her dead, it has been alleged by an Israeli at the scene of the October 7 attacks.

Since one of the most tragic days in Israel’s history, various reports have laid bare the horrific crimes committed by Hamas militants.

Yori Saadon, 39, told the Sunday Times that he witnessed horrendous brutality carried out by Hamas terrorists at the Nova Music Festival, where over 300 were killed.

He said: “I saw this beautiful woman with the face of an angel and eight or 10 of the fighters beating and raping her.

“She was screaming, ‘Stop it already! I’m going to die anyway from what you are doing, just kill me!’

“When they finished, they were laughing, and the last one shot her in the head.”

Mr Saadon said he had to smear blood on himself to make it look as though he was dead and avoid being attacked by the terrorists.

He added: “I will never forget her face. Every night I wake to it and apologise to her, saying, ‘I’m sorry.’ “

Following this shocking incident, Mr Saadon says he then witnessed another woman resist being stripped as she was attacked by two Hamas militants.

He continued: “They threw her to the ground, and one of the terrorists took a shovel and beheaded her. And her head rolled along the ground. I see that head, too.”

Hamas has denied that its fighters carried out acts of sexual violence. The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) claim that Hamas fighters were ordered to “dirty” or “whore” the women they came across.

Forensic teams in Israel have examined some of the remains and say they have found multiple signs of rape, torture and other atrocities.

A volunteer worker named Shari at the Shura military morgue told the Washington Post: “We saw many women with bloody underwear, with broken bones, broken legs, broken pelvises.

“They were all young women. Most in little clothing or shredded clothing and their bodies bloodied, particularly round their underwear, and some women shot many times in the face as if to mutilate them.”

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Haim Outmezgine, a senior member of ZAKA rescue services, added: “It was clear they were trying to spread as much horror as they could, to kill, to burn alive, to rape — it seemed their mission was to rape as many as possible.”

The United Nations has now launched its own investigation into allegations of Hamas fighters carrying out acts of sexual violence.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said: “There are numerous accounts of sexual violence during the abhorrent acts of terror by Hamas on 7 October that must be vigorously investigated and prosecuted.

“Gender-based violence must be condemned. Anytime. Anywhere.”

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